In order to came up with a logo for our project, we looked up in different newspapers and magazines for advertisements, which gave us a vision of what a logo stands for. 

We thought about what the project is about. We made a brainstorming with all our ideas and placed them in a poster. After that, we made drawings based on those ideas. 

Finally, we voted to decide which design was more adequate for becoming the logo of the project. This was the winner:

Sounds of Oroso

Today, we are recording a podcast with sounds of  Escomb school's stay in Oroso. Press here to listen you will be able to listen to it here in a few moments.

Sonidos de Oroso

Hoy, estamos grabando un podcast con sonidos de la escuela Escomb school en Sigüeiro. Poderéis escucharlo aquí en breve.

Sons de Oroso.

Hoxe estamos grabando un podcast con sons da escola Escomb School's en Sigüeiro. poderedes escoitalo aquí en breve.